Writers do not need encouragement. Nor a reward. And they don't need how they sense, perceive, and interact with the world to be a do-or-die way of life; their words spring from their way of life. I love your use of the word ‘might’ because we are subject to change. When my head is adapted to my changes, I look back and know I was a writer at sixteen. I was deeply involved in a community-funded shelter for wayward teens. I was asked by the director to write a mission statement and told upfront it would be a public-facing document. The director figured I'd be occupied for a few days. I felt no pressure; the words flowed, and it took twenty minutes. It was accepted with no edits. It was who I was, and it was symbiotic with my environment. Even if it were rejected, it would have been me. And I moved on from there; for better or worse, I'm all in.