I feel like an addict; I've contended with the nature of my abusive humanity all my life. It's this urge to believe wars can be won for the right reasons and that cruelty is sometimes a necessary evil.
Who wages ‘wars to end all wars’ or propagates ‘mothers of all wars?’ We can thank the media and society for the catchphrases that make violence another part of life's scenery. It's something to be sold and consumed. Follow the money and find who gains from wars that never end. They know my addiction. They tempt me with stories of right vs wrong or what God wants for all of us. Like most, I could be a junkie, strung out on hate and retribution. Instead, I hope otherwise and am grateful that I know it's impossible to win a war because everyone who fights, on all sides, loses in every battle. Those who stir the conflict are only too happy knowing they've got the majority hooked into sacrificing themselves to provide their income. I'm convinced it's about power and money; the reasons are invented to keep people in servitude.
But the logic and gratitude only speak to my ego. Is that enough to beat an addiction we all share? No, and not that I can beat someone else's addiction, but to win mine and at least help others to win theirs, there must be empathy. Please keep me in your thoughts, sister, and thank you for your words.