Hey, Jenny. I haven’t published much lately, but I can still rant!
The people running this platform are deceiving us. On one hand, they play the inspiration card, as in we’re all here because we love to read and write. We’re recording the shape of humanity. I can be a part of that. But then there’s the money. The change in earnings makes it evident that capitalist shenanigans are afoot. They’ve tried to use quality, as it applies to our idealistic endeavors, to hide that they are operating cutthroat capitalism. And like you say, they are a tight-knit group, playing favorites. How they set up the boost program with the unanonymous publishers is highly inequitable. Sometimes, I feel like I’m in a casino, sitting at a one-arm bandit buying five-dollar chunks of hope and losing most of it because the house wins. I don’t want to feel that way, but money is a passionate issue, and it’s knotting up the consciousness here. Where’s the love on this platform? Where are the Better Humans? A Conscious Capitalism approach, which is a real thing, would allow all of us who love to read and write to share in the benefits the revenue generates amply.
Let’s find equity because everything is worth that much.
I’d like them to put their money where their words are. Please help us build an engaged platform filled with quality effort where we learn to reach out and support each other’s truth. Even if it means the top-tier earners know to sacrifice so others can, at a minimum, break even. It’s so disheartening when I read the man say ‘perhaps those looking for a full-time salary should not depend on Medium,’ yet that same man and his cohorts are manipulating the criteria and algorithm to do just that for a minority rather than seeking the best for all, even if it means the elite have to find other sources of income too.