The above was my first literary group endeavor. My High School's annual magazine (Seed) during my senior year (1971). I'm the guy front left. I'm happy to be in touch with a few of these folks today.

Since 1974 I've been pursuing this:

Fast forward to the present, and I've announced my retirement in September 2023. I need a plan. Things to keep me actively engaged. I've always enjoyed writing. I focused on song lyrics until 2019 when I challenged myself to be more vulnerable. Coincidentally, the pandemic fostered that effort when everyone went to work-from-home mode. Suddenly, I was more accessible to my inner voice. Believe it or not, I became aware of my backyard and the neighborhood. I found the life I had numbed out chasing other things while wearing blinders. Not to say they were the wrong things, rather good activities to which I gave too much weight.

Other than career and personal interests, the future is wide open. I was married once for 14 years. I have no children but helped raise my ex-wife's son from age seven through college.

I've done charitable work for NAMI, Woman's Shelters, and was a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children in foster care. Through my post high school educational years I worked with adolescents in public funded mental health settings. I value community involvement and would like to find a niche down the road a bit.

A collage representing a few of my favorite things!

Medium member since January 2021
Friend of Medium since June 2024
Joejohn Black

Joejohn Black

Friend of Medium

Now dissecting thoughts and emotions, pinning words, then commentary to the facets, curating and sharing them as legends of my being. Then they’re on their own.